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So far admin has created 102 blog entries.

“Getting down on one’s knees before the world”: the story of Giulia Civitelli, a scalabrinian secular missionary and doctor of the least at Termini Station

Every day Giulia Civitelli, a Scalabrinian secular missionary and doctor, goes to the Polyclinic of the Caritas Diocesan of Rome at Termini Station, where she meets and treats homeless people, migrants and refugees, and others without legal permit to be in the country.

“Letting oneself be ‘scratched’ by the other”: scalabrinian missionaries’ summer youth camps on migrant routes

"In the face of men with gangrenous feet from the cold, families with children at the spread in the mined forests of Bosnia, young people bitten by the dogs of Croatian law enforcement, we cannot remain indifferent, we must be responsible for the other". Father Jonas Donassollo

The Scalabrinian Family VIDEO

The Scalabrinian Family More than a century after Scalabrini’s death, the fruits of his legacy are still being harvested: today there are thousands of missionaries and volunteers around the world who embrace the Scalabrinian charism and become “migrants with migrants”, to collaborate in God’s dream of uniting all peoples into one family.

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