On October 9 Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini has been proclaimed a saint. During the Ordinary Consistory, Pope Francis had announced the date on which the Bishop of Piacenza, founder of the Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo and the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo Scalabrinians and inspirer of the Scalabrini Secular Missionaries, will be canonized.
This is good news not only for all those who bear his name, for migrants and refugees, for lay people who participate in the Scalabrinian mission, but for the whole Church.
The Scalabrinian Family
Inspired by his story.
Stay up to date on the canonization
From education minister in Afghanistan to refugee: Samad’s story
Samad is a friend of the Scalabrinian Secular Missionaries, who met him in Solothurn, Switzerland.
“Getting down on one’s knees before the world”: the story of Giulia Civitelli, a scalabrinian secular missionary and doctor of the least at Termini Station
Every day Giulia Civitelli, a Scalabrinian secular missionary and doctor, goes to the Polyclinic of the Caritas Diocesan of Rome at Termini Station, where she meets and treats homeless people, migrants and refugees, and others without legal permit to be in the country.
“Letting oneself be ‘scratched’ by the other”: scalabrinian missionaries’ summer youth camps on migrant routes
"In the face of men with gangrenous feet from the cold, families with children at the spread in the mined forests of Bosnia, young people bitten by the dogs of Croatian law enforcement, we cannot remain indifferent, we must be responsible for the other". Father Jonas Donassollo
“Walking holding god’s hand”: the story of maria, a young mother and refugee, helped by the scalabrinian missionaries
Maria is a young woman from a Central American country, one of many refugees who are forced by violence every day to flee and seek asylum in another country.